Tuscarawas County Treasurer | Tuscarawas County, Ohio
  1. When are taxes due?
  2. How do I pay my taxes?
  3. Who do I make a check out to?
  4. Do you take credit cards?
  5. What happens if I pay late?
  6. Can I arrange a payment plan for my delinquent taxes?
  7. My bank escrows my payment. What should I do?
  8. How do I change my address?
  9. I think my taxes are too high. What can I do?
  10. Can I contest a late payment penalty?
  11. Why are real estate tax collections a year behind?

1. When are taxes due?

First Half is due in February
Second Half is due in July
(for both Real Estate and Manufactured Homes)

2. How do I pay my taxes?

We can accept payments in many ways. You could mail a payment, drop it off in person, or submit it online. See the Payment Options page for more detailed information.

3. Who do I make a check out to?

Make checks payable to: "Jeffery S. Mamarella, Tuscarawas County Treasurer" or "Tuscarawas County Treasurer"

4. Do you take credit cards?

We do accept debit and credit cards, however the card company charges a convenience fee

5. What happens if I pay late?

According to Ohio Revised Code 323.17 up to a 10% penalty will be assessed to the amount currently due. Interest is added if the full year amount is not paid by December of that year. If payment is not made after one year the property is subject to foreclosure.

6. Can I arrange a payment plan for my delinquent taxes?

Yes. Please call the treasurer’s office to set up a contract to pay your delinquent taxes.

7. My bank escrows my payment. What should I do?

If your real estate taxes are paid by the bank (escrowed) the bill will be sent directly to them. Remember you are ultimately responsible for the payment of your taxes. If you received the tax bill in error, please contact your escrow agent to correct the mailing address on the tax bill. Ask your bank or escrow agent to request a change of mailing address from the treasurer’s office. This request must be in writing.

8. How do I change my address?

The taxpayer is responsible for informing the Treasurer’s office of any changes in address. To make changes, please call our office at (330) 365-3254 or email Not receiving a bill does not relieve you of your responsibility to pay your taxes. Bills are mailed in January and June. If you have not received a bill, please contact the Treasurer’s office. If you escrow your payment with a bank the bill is sent directly to the institution.

9. I think my taxes are too high. What can I do?

Property tax is calculated at 35% of the Auditor’s market value. If you feel that your property value is incorrect, contact the County Auditor’s office at (330) 365-3220 or email To contest your property value, you must file a Complaint Against Valuation of Real Property. The complaint must be filed with the county auditor between January 1 and March 31. This gives you the opportunity to present your reasoning for lowering your property value in front of the Board of Revision consisting of the County Auditor, County Commissioner, and County Treasurer. Additional tax reduction opportunties and instructions can be found on the Auditor's website HERE.

10. Can I contest a late payment penalty?

To contest a late payment penalty, you must submit an Application for Remission of Late Payment Penalty.

11. Why are real estate tax collections a year behind?

You pay taxes on the time you own the property. This year is not applicable because you have not yet owned the property for the full year.